
Extend of period for accepting changes of members and team names

We would like to inform you of the period extension for accepting changes of members and team names.

As we have decided to add expanded entry, we have set the period for accepting member and team name changes as follows;

•Member changes: Until the end of June
•Team name changes: May 24 (Fri.)

Please note that no member changes will be accepted on the day of the tournament or at the tournament registration desk.

2024 Mölkky World Championship in Hakodate, JAPAN
■ Organizer: International Mölkky Organization (IMO)
■ Administrator: Japan Mölkky Association (JMA)
■ Supporters: Hokkaido / Hakodate City / Hakodate City Board of Education
National Institute of Technology, Hakodate College (N.I.T. Hakodate College) / Hokkaido Finland Association
■ Nominal Supporter: Embassy of Finland
■ Special Collaboration: Visit Finland (Finnish Tourist Board)

【 Contact 】
Japan Mölkky Association; World Championship Section