The official ambassador teams also join the matches!
We are delighted to announce that the JMA’s official ambassadors also join the matches in the 2024 Mölkky World Championship in Hakodate. The following teams have confirmed their participation:
■The team “King of Mölkky” (Morita Tetsuya, MINAMIKAWA, KANAI and Tameguchi Yutarou)
■Selected players from “Niji no Conquistador”
Please look forward to seeing them compete with teams from around the world. Additionally, as ambassadors, they will also help to enliven the event. Let’s enjoy Mölkky together!

King of Mölkky

Niji no Conquistador
2024 Mölkky World Championship in Hakodate, JAPAN
■ Organizer: International Mölkky Organization (IMO)
■ Administrator: Japan Mölkky Association (JMA)
■ Supporters: Hokkaido / Hakodate City / Hakodate City Board of Education
National Institute of Technology, Hakodate College (N.I.T. Hakodate College) / Hokkaido Finland Association / The Hokkaido Shimbun Press
■ Nominal Supporter: Embassy of Finland
■ Special Collaboration: Visit Finland (Finnish Tourist Board)
■ Collaboration: Kanazawa Culture and Sports Commission
【 Contact 】
Japan Mölkky Association; World Championship Section